No 215 of 15 March 2020 on the adoption of a crisis measure

Following Government Resolution No. 194 of 12 March 2020, by which the Government in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the Fundamental law No. 110/1998 Coll., on the Security of the Czech Republic, declared a state of emergency in the territory of the Czech Republic because of health threats associated with the presence of coronavirus (known as SARS CoV-2) within the territory of the Czech Republic.

The Government, with effect from 16 March 2020, from 00:00 to 24 March 2020 until 6:00.

I. prohibits the free movement of persons within the territory of the Czech Republic, except:
(a) journeys to work and to perform a business or other similar activity,
(b) necessary journeys to family or close relatives;
(c) journeys necessary for the provision of the essential necessities of life (e.g. purchase of food, medicines and medical supplies products, hygiene goods, cosmetics and other household goods, feed and other needs for animals), including the needs of relatives and close persons, providing childcare, providing care for animals, use of necessary financial and postal services, refueling,
(d) journeys necessary to meet the needs and services referred to in point (c) for another person (e.g. volunteering; neighborhood assistance)
(e) travel to health and social care facilities, including the provision of necessary escorts of relatives and close persons, and veterinary care facilities,
(f) journeys to deal with urgent official matters, including the necessary escorts of relatives and close persons,
(g) performance of the profession or activities serving for attending
1. security, internal order and crisis management,
2. health protection, provision of health or social care, including volunteering;
3. individual religious care and services;
4. public transport and other infrastructures,
5. services to the population, including supply and distribution services,
6. veterinary care,
h) stay in nature or parks,
(i) travel back to their place of residence;
(j) funerals;

II. orders
a) to persons staying in the Czech Republic to restrict movement in publicly accessible places for just a necessary period of time and to stay in their place of residence, except in the cases referred to in point I. (a) to (i),