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Františkovy Lázně, founded in 1793 by the Austrian Emperor Francis I. as the first muddy spa in the world, is the smallest spa town of the West Bohemian spa triangle. They are valued mainly due to rich deposits of sulfur-ferrous mud and mineral springs, which are used to treat heart and vascular diseases, female diseases and locomotory diseases. This picturesque spa town, thanks to architecture from the end of the 18th and the first half of the 19th century, has retained an unforgettable atmosphere.

The unique architectural ensemble of classicist, empire and historicist buildings, set in the greenery of parks and forest parks, was declared the City Heritage Reserve in 1992. The resort is characterized by mild climate and exceptionally clean air. The symbol of the city is the statue of František, to which a legend says that every female patient who touches the left leg of the statue becomes pregnant.


The current Franciscan-spa Balneology is focused mainly on gynecological diseases and treatment of sterility, locomotive and circulatory diseases and oncological diseases. The treatment of these diseases is based on the use of natural healing resources, which are medicinal springs, mud and gasses. Twenty-one mineral springs at a temperature of 9-11 °C, hidden in many colonnades, pavilions and arbors, are used for drinking treatment.

The most famous healing spring is the Franciscan Spring, which became the most sought-after medicine in Europe around 1600 and was exported in ceramic bottles to all major cities. This spring is gathered in a walled Classicist rondel with Doric columns, which is one of the symbols of Františkovy Lázně. Local sirloin feldspar is used in the form of peat packs, baths and vaginal tampons. Liquid gas (almost pure carbon dioxide with very little admixture of other gases) is used both in the form of common dry gas baths or individual gynecological baths.

How do mineral springs from work on internal organs


Gynecological diseases including infertility treatment

  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the inner genera and their consequences
  • disorders of ovarian function and development of the uterus
  • sterility
  • infertility
  • climacteric difficulties and other functional disorders

Diseases of the locomotive system

  • painful states of muscles, tendons and joints
  • back pain
  • extra-articular rheumatism
  • arthrosis of large (knee, hip) and small joints, vertebral algic syndrome (painful back)

Diseases of the circulatory system

  • ischemic heart disease, including myocardial infarction
  • high blood pressure
  • limb vascular disease
  • conditions after heart defect surgery, post-coronary artery conditions, cardiac arrest condition, and conditional edema with severe risk factors that can be summarized as a group of civilization diseases

Oncological diseases – after complete treatment, without signs of recurrence

  • After completing the demanding radical oncological treatment, patients often have difficulty arising as a side effect. During this time, spa treatment often can positively affect these subsequent and chronic conditions.


For what disease is inappropriate:

  • acute and infectious diseases
  • conditions after deep thrombosis within 3 months of disease withdrawal
  • conditions after superficial thrombophlebitis within 6 weeks of disease withdrawal
  • often recurrent profuse bleeding of all kinds
  • labile and decompensated diabetes mellitus
  • malignant tumors during and after treatment with clinically detectable signs of continuation of cachexia disease of all kinds
  • uncompensated epilepsy
  • psychoses and mental disorders with anomalous manifestations or reduced communication, transient states of confusion
  • alcohol addiction, addiction to addictive substances
  • non-healing skin defects of any origin
  • stool incontinence
  • pregnancy
  • inability to self-help and daily activities without the help of a second person and inability to walk
  • independently




  • Initial medical examination.
  • Medical check-up.
  • Final medical examination.
  • Laboratory examination of blood and urine. Other examinations are decided by the doctor according to the indications (for an additional fee).
  • Breakdown of drinking cure, dietary breakdown and breakdown of balneological procedures. Procedures are provided during the week, mostly 2-4 per day. Treatment procedures at weekends are provided in different sanatoriums according to a different plan. On Saturday mornings there are procedures in all sanatoriums and on Sundays only in some.
  • Additional treatments that you would like can be purchased additionally. Additional procedures are either over-the-counter or available only after consultation with a physician.

with full board


(full board with treatment)

  • Accommodation in a selected spa hotel
  • Food 3 times a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
  • Complete spa treatment
    – Medical examination
    – Drinking cure
    – Breakdown of procedures
    – Laboratory examination
    – Dietary breakdown

with half board


(half board with treatment)

  • Accommodation in a selected spa hotel
  • Food 2 times a day
    – Breakfast and dinner / or / Breakfast and lunch
  • Kompletní lázeňské léčení
    – Medical examination
    – Drinking cure
    – Breakdown of procedures
    – Laboratory examination
    – Dietary breakdown


  • Hill Komorní hůrka
  • National Nature Reserve Soos
  • Castle Seeberg
  • Watch Tower Bismark
  • Town Cheb
  • Town Mariánské Lázně
  • Nature Reserve Kladská and hunting lodge
  • Town Karlovy Vary
  • Monastery Teplá
  • Castle and chateau Bečov nad Teplou
  • Castle Loket